Does Water
Damage Create Termite Damage? - There is a very good chance, that if
your home is suffering from water damage and it's in the right climate,
you could easily find yourself with double the trouble. Termites are
attracted to moisture and if your wood is moist, you're termites are
going to be in heaven.
Termite Damage or Termite Droppings - If you don't know the
difference between termite droppings and termite damage, I would like to
share something with you. If you see that you have termite droppings,
there is a good chance that you have termite damage.
Structural Home Repairs Should Only Be Made by Experienced Contractors
- There are certain things that I don't recommend your average
do-it-yourselfers to repair on their own. Structural home repairs are
one of them. If the structure of your home is compromised in any way,
make sure that you think twice before attempting to do these repairs on
your own.
Some Termite Repair Companies Do More Damage Than Good - Just
because someone is well dressed or a well groomed, doesn't make them
professional repairman, even though our subconscious mind easily puts
the two and two together and assumes that these people know what they're
doing. Most homeowners don't know the difference between a good home
repair and a bad one anyway. This lets some termite repair companies get
away with poor home repairs.
How Much Damage Can a Termite Actually Do to a House? - If you
really want to know the truth, it's probably going to shock you. I have
heard stories, of termites in tropical climates, destroying vast amounts
of lumber, within short periods of time.
Subterranean Termite Damage Description- Home Repair Facts - It's
hard to imagine, but most people have rarely if ever see a subterranean
termite. Even if they see one, would they know what it was? Well, I'm
here to give you an idea of what a subterranean termite looks like and
some of the damage that it can do to your home.
Pest That Can Cost You Big Money -Termite Damage - Now if you don't
know what a termite is or the damage that they can do to your home, it's
time to give you a lesson of a lifetime. If you're a homeowner, you
should pay strict attention to what I'm about to say and what you are
about to learn.
Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say - I
don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a
home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage
that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good
idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's
five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.