Fires Can Be Avoided Using Smoke Detectors -
When I was a young man, under the age of 18, I knew very little about
how fires got started and spread so fast in a home. It wasn't until I
was in my late 20s or early 30s that I finally realized that I needed to
know a little bit more about home fire prevention.
Ways to Avoid a Fire in Your House - I can't guarantee that any one
of the items listed below will guarantee your safety or prevent any
fires from ever happening in your home, but it's a start. Fire safety
starts with you and your family.
Stack of Firewood and Some Oily Rags Burns House down to the Ground
- I remember hearing a story a long time ago about a house that got
burned down to the ground and the investigators blamed it on a small
stack of firewood and some oily rags that were stacked next to the
house. I couldn't believe what actually happened,
Firewood Storage Safety Tips for Your House - Almost every one
understands the problems that could arise from storing flammable fuels
and liquids around your home or in your garage. Most people don't
realize the problems that firewood storage creates if stored incorrectly
on your property
Carbon Monoxide Problems - Read This If You Care about Your Family -
I couldn't believe what I was watching and listening to, as I watched a
video on youtube the other day about carbon monoxide poisoning. The
video that I was watching, involved two children dying as two frustrated
parents dealt with their oldest son’s life on the line.
Problems with Smoke Alarms and Young Children - Home Fire Safety -
Recently I found something interesting and I would imagine that most
people don't even know about it. It's about problems that smoke alarms
create, while young children are sleeping. I couldn't believe what I was
listening to, but you should read the rest of this article, so that you
can spread the word.
Accidents That You Need to Know About - You would be surprised, if
you ever read an insurance company's statistics for accidents that
happen in your bathroom. You would even be more surprised, if I was to
tell you about the accidents that happen while someone is using the
toilet, before someone uses the toilet or after someone uses the toilet.
Common Home Fire Hazards - Cigarettes and Dryer Vents - Now you're
probably wondering, how can a dryer vent become a common home fire
hazard? Most people can see how cigarettes could start a fire,
especially if someone fell asleep who was smoking in bed, but dryer
vents, come on.
Basic Home
Fire Safety Rules- Using a Fire Extinguisher Properly - There are
plenty of people all over the United States and around the world who
understand basic fire safety and some of these people even have a fire
extinguisher located somewhere within their home.